1 July 2016

The Blackmanes' Grey Hunter with a Plasma Pistol revisited

I have been putting off posting about this model for a while now. I usually choose a model I have just finished, or a much older one that could use some touching up. This one, however, I managed to finish pretty satisfactorily the first time around, so it was sort of an inbetweener. This time, however, I don't have a finished model to post about, nor many that need touching up, so here it is.
 The face was painted before I had developed my current method(s), mostly by drybrushing. The effect was a little more cartoony than I usually prefer, but I like it.
The white wolf's head on the bolter was a choice I ended up on when I didn't want to paint it bronze. Eventually, I decided that it's a personal memento from the white Fenrisian wolf the warrior slayed before his acceptance to the Grey Hunters.
 The red around the mouth grille was inspired by the Imperial Armour 11 book. Now, those forces were in fact Redmaws, for whom a red maw makes more sense, but I don't think it looks out of place on a Blackmane either.
One of the few touches I added to the model, in addition to varnishing, was adding the Evil Sunz Scarlet on the pack marking.
The pose of the model was designed to clearly show the plama pistol, but not to make it too much of an issue, hence the model aiming primarily with the bolter.

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