24 July 2016

Two Grey Hunters and a Pack Leader

I recently purchased a pack of Mk.VI armours from Forgeworld. I like to use some older models of power armour (generally just Mk. IV and newer, though), as it helps reinforce the sense that the chapter has had a long history over which it has accumulated ancient armours and weapons. Also, while Mk. VII is by no means a bad looking armour, it does get a little boring if other models aren't occasionally seen.

I decided to continue building up my most recent Grey Hunters pack. My aim is to make the pack 10 models strong, with close combat weapons and as much melta weaponry as possible. The pack's task would be to drop right next to a heavy or medium vehicle, shoot it to slag on the first round and then force the opponent to either deal with them or have them charge at their infantry.
 The first of these three Grey Hunters is a fairly standard model with a bolter, bolt pistol and a close combat weapon (mag-locked to his power pack). I decided to leave the model relatively clean shaven at the sculpting phase, with just a moustache to remind that he is, indeed, a Space Wolf.
The left shoulder pad follows the pattern occasionally seen on older Space Wolf armours. I assume this type of shoulder pad was in wide use among the Rout during the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy, but has since been mostly supplanted as the Chapter has been supplied with new armour from the Adeptus Mechanicus. Some traditionalists, however, would still remain.
 This model was done very simply, just by throwing pieces from different kits together. Mk. VI helmet, Mk. II shoulder pads, the rest is Mk.VII (Fenrisian variant). I did glue a targeter to the bolter, though.
Finally, my Pack Leader is armed with a Combi-Melta and a Power Spear. I keep trying to include spears in my army, though it's probably not a great idea to use them as normal close combat weapons, as that might easily be confusing, especially since I don't usually paint too overt glow on my Power Weapons.
The torso comes from Forgeworld's Space Wolves upgrade packs. It's Mk. IV and hence more treasured than most armours, but for Wolf Guard, that's to be expected.

I plan to paint these three at some point in the coming week. In fact, I believe my future schedule will largely be an unpainted model on Sunday, then the same model painted during the following week. There will be exceptions, so don't take that as a law, but more like a vague plan at this point.

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