8 July 2016

The Blackmanes' Grey Hunter with a Bolter, painted

Grey Hunters present an interesting painting challenge in that their more advanced age should somehow show, being between Long Fangs (who I generally paint with all-grey hair) and Blood Claws, who I'm in the habit of sculpting myself to make them look appropriately young and beardless.
I usually do this by painting some grey in Grey Hunters' beards or hair. Of course, not all Space Wolves ever go grey, Njal Stormcaller being a canonical example. In this model's case, I decided his hair would have kept it's colour, but not the beard.

 I painted the plate over his lost eye bronze, both on his face and on his helmet. The helmet's "face" was left black.
I painted the model's hair slightly reddish brown, with plenty of gray in his beard.
 The wolf's head on this model of bolter has always been something I've struggled to decide on, until now, when I simply painted it in the same metal shade as the rest of the weapon. The solution was simple and effective.
I painted the forward grip in deep red, as I usually do.
The helmet's crest ended up having a red zigzag-line on it.

I now have four models in this Grey Hunter pack. Just one more and it's rules legal.

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