10 July 2016

Dreskor's Fifth Skybolt

And so I've used up my five Mk.V jump packs. Most people would just continue building the pack with the standard jump packs, but I'm not most people, and since jump packs are as dominant a feature on the model as they are, I want them to match within the unit.

The way I rationalize the use of an antiquated jump pack model in the 41st millennium is the difference between Space Wolf and codex organization. Usually, Assault Marines are already established warriors capable of looking after their equipment. Skyclaws are not, and they need equipment that can be repaired again and again reliably, even from situations that have gotten their users killed. Mk.V equipment, already being a mishmash of various models, could be more rugged and easily repaired, which would be more important for Skyclaws than thrust power or fine control.

 I decided to make the model bald-headed again, but this time with a couple of eyebrow piercings. It would make sense for a Skylaw to have a shaved head, as they deal with wind more than most Space Wolves, apart from maybe Swiftclaws and Land Speeder crew. That said, it would be more important for a young Sky Warrior with everything to prove to be recognised than to have a practical haircut, so if he wants to be known as the guy with the long, flowing locks, getting them blasted at his face is just the price he'll willingly pay.
 I again decided to use practice of chaining the weapons to their armours. Again, for a Skyclaw, who won't want to drop his weapon while mid-air, this makes sense, even if this isn't a habit Space Wolves are known for (I think it's primarily the Imperial Fists and their successors who do that).
The model is actually very un-wolfy in many respects: the only Space Wolves specific accessory is a bone-handled knife from the Wulfen kit, and he doesn't even have a beard or a long hair. I intend to make up for this in the painting phase.

To other news, I'm now officially changing my update schedule to once per week, specifically, Sundays. I plan to make longer, more involved and hopefully less hurried posts that I keep honing throughout the week and then just finish and post on Sunday evening. The subject won't (usually) be a single miniature, unless it's a vehicle or an otherwise bigger project.
We'll see how this will turn out next Sunday.

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