3 July 2016

Dreskor's Fourth Skybolt

So far, my Skyclaws have looked worryingly levelheaded, no more berserk-y than other Blood Claws. I decided it was time to fix this, so I started to sculpt on a somewhat wilder-looking head. Here are the results.
Sticking out one's tongue is a pretty effective way to look crazy and possibly somewhat intimidating, or at least silly. It wasn't really any more difficult to sculpt the model with its tongue out than any other head with an open mouth either. I may try this again with another model in the future.
I have also been wanting to have a Space Wolf with Obelix-style braids for a long time now, and decided this guy would be the one to have them.
 Again, I didn't want to use any of the more decorative shoulder pads, so I took one from a vanilla Marine kit and sculpted the wolf's head symbol on it myself.
I also decided to carve some runes on the jump pack.
The Mk. VI helmet may look a little out of place on the model, as it came from the Devastator kit and has the extra targeting bits on it, but I didn't want to use another Mk.V helmet, nor any of the more decorative Space Wolf helmets on a Skyclaw. I decided that during his more lucid moments, this Skybolt is an exceptional marksman, and will become a fine Grey Hunter if he lives long enough to temper his rage.

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