7 August 2016

A trio of Blood Claws

My first Blood Claws pack's strength is currently at 10 men. Most of time, that would be enough for me, as I intend to usually load them into a drop pod with no upgrades, but my original plan was to have a 15-man Blood Claws pack loaded into a Stormwolf, to attack an already weakened enemy, so I want to at least have the models for it.

 I decided to leave one of the models completely bald, though I plan to add some medium to heavy tattoos or face paint in the painting stage. I may also paint some stubble on him. The Mk.VI legs from Forgeworld look somewhat less than agile, despite the fact that agility is supposed to be one of the major points of the armour mark. However, for a Blood Claw recklessly charging into battle, that works well.
 I decided to give this model a somewhat wilder hair. Once I came up with the idea, I also decided to make his chin and nose a bit pointier, to give an overall troll-like look. I'm thinking of painting him in a little more unusual skin and hair colour combination, too.
This model is a fairly standard Space Wolf, with a mohawk and some longer hair in the back. A mullethawk, if you will. Space Wolves are supposed to be scary, and for any fashion conscious xenos, this guy would be a living nighmare.

As was established last week, I expect to paint these by next update.

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