14 August 2016

A Trio of Blood Claws, painted

Between Leman Russ being on the way from Forgeworld and Codex Deathwatch being published, it was a pretty good week for my tastes. Of course, I preordered my copy of Codex Deathwatch straight from GW, not stopping to think that I could have received it a lot quicker if I had waited to order it from an independent stockist in the country. As it is, I have to wait for the delivery for about a week, because there are no GW stores within a reasonable driving distance.
In the meantime, I'll continue on my first Blood Claws pack (I keep saying "first", because I consider Skyclaws to be just a subset of Blood Claws, and because I intend to have a couple more packs in the future).
 The mullethawk guy was possibly the blandest of the trio, with just a nose ring and some facial tattoos (repeated on the helm in yellow) to show off his individuality. Some warriors are marked for greatness from early on, and this guy is probably not one of them. Then again, his stance shows considerable discipline for a Blood Claw, so he may yet go on to do great things. All up to the dice, really.
 I decided to paint this guy with a dark skin and bright red hair, just to make sure he stands out from the rather large pack. The decorative left shoulder guard suggests he already has earned himself some renown.
 Finally, the facial tattoo man, who, prior to painting, was definitely the least interesting. I decided to simply paint some deep red tattoos on his face, again repeated on his helmet. I like to imagine that a warrior who has chosen a specific set of decorative elements on his skin will usually also have them on his armour in the appropriate colour (yellow for Blood Claws, red for Grey Hunters, white for Long fangs etc.).
Here's the whole trio posing together. The whole pack now numbers 13 Blood Claws. I intend to field 15 of them in a Stormwolf, very possibly with a Wolf Priest, so the pack is nearly done now.

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