21 August 2016

Ulrik the Slayer, the Wolf High Priest

Back when I started my Space Wolves army, I considered just buying GW's official Ulrik model. Though old, the model's pose was far better than the original Ragnar Blackmane model's (I wonder if they're actually ever going to remake him), and Ulrik looked like he could handle himself in a fight.
Then GW remade him. Now, I do think the new model looks more impressive and probably has higher level of detail than the previous one, but the pose could only look more static if he was modelled taking a nap. This is unacceptable of any Sky Warrior, nevermind one fierce enough to earn a salute from Angron himself.
So, as with Ragnar and Logan before him, I eventually started working on my own version of the Wolf High Priest.
 The torso piece originally came from a Space Marine Apotechary, and I specifically saved it for a Wolf Priest. I find that the vials hanging from it are appropriate for a character doing the double duty of an Apotechary and a Chaplain, and while Wolf Priests don't use the same exact methods and medicines as codex Apotecharies, I imagine there would necessarily be a lot of overlap, as Space Wolves still are Astartes, and there are only so many ways to provide medical care for barely understood physiologies.
The backpack, as well as the arms, came from the Mk.II Power Armour. I decided the ancient model would be appropriate for the oldest non-Dreadnought, non-Wulfen Space Wolf still in the galaxy.
I also decided to custom-sculpt the wolftail talisman hanging from the plasma pistol, since I no longer had any of the smaller ones from the Wulfen kit handy.
The Crozius was originally (and technically still is) a Power Maul. I cut off two of the flanges and expanded the other two into stylized wings, finally sculpting a wolf skull on top of that.
The black armour made painting considerably faster than with most Space Wolves.
I decided to paint the gemstones on Ulrik's shoulders and on the forehead of his helmet red, and the vials on his belt in colder colours, specifically green and blue. The overall effect turned out great, with the few spots of colour standing out well in the midst of the black armour
I hadn't originally left any space for Ulrik's personal sigil, the stylized wolf paw print, but decided to paint it below/on the model's left knee. A kneepad would have worked better, but still, I'm reasonably happy with the way it looks.
The model's cloak was painted in three layers, with Khorne Red base, shaded with Nuln Oil, and Mephiston Red and Evil Sunz Scarlet highlights. It ended up looking appropriately deep red without compromising too much on highlighting.

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