28 August 2016

Three Grey Hunters

While special characters are fun and a big part of an army's flavour, it still remains the troops' job to carry the army. So I decided to go back to my third Grey Hunter pack, and as it turns out, it had seven models to it. My plan being to build it up to ten models, and my current trend of posting three models at a time, this suited me well.

 Another stroke of luck for me that I needed two bolters for these guys, and I happened to have the two from my latest Thunderwolf Cavalry kit unused. This model's chainsword is also from the same kit. The bolt pistol on his hip came from Forgeworld's Phobos-pattern bolt pistol pack.
 I already had one meltagun in the pack, and with the number now coming all the way up to ten, I could include another one. The previous one was from Forgeworld's Legion Meltagun pack, and I didn't want to have two of them in one pack, so this one came from Space Marine Tactical Squad kit, if I remember correctly.
The model's chest and shoulder pads came from Mk.VI armour set, with Ragnar's symbol sculpted on the left pauldron.
The empty eye socket was originally a minor sculpting mistake. Instead of fixing it, I decided to use it to give the model some more flavour and made a wire going from the empty socket to a cybernetic implant over his right ear (which I now conveniently didn't have to sculpt either). The reason I sculpt many of the models' heads myself is to avoid making them all look like they're cut from the same cloth, so I believe taking small mistakes and using them to give some of the models a unique look makes perfect sense.

I expect the next update will show these three painted, probably along with the whole pack in a group portrait. That is assuming I manage to not assemble my Deathwatch Kill Team all of next week...

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