4 September 2016

Three Grey Hunters, painted

Though Codex Deathwatch was released a few weeks ago already, I still haven't really started building my Kill Teams for it. I have one plastic kit, and I recently made a related order from ForgeWorld, but it will still be a while before I'll get to it.
In the meantime, I'll keep building up my main army, as evidenced here by me finishing another pack of Grey Hunters.

 All of the models in this batch had somewhat unusual knee pads. This model's right knee's zigzag pattern didn't really correspond to the pack markings, so I decided to make it an honour marking instead. I decided against repeating the pack marking on the left kneepad, painting Ragnar Blackmane's army badge there instead.
 This model had plenty of warm tones on his shoulders and kneepads, so I decided to paint the gem in his chest blue for contrast. I noticed the right side of his face was a little rough, so I painted some reddish scar tissue there to explain it.
 The meltagunner's face was painted black, even though there was another model with Mk.VI helmet in the pack with a black face already, although without the wolf tail crest or the runes on his face. I decided the two warriors would have been recruited from the same tribe, with the meltagunner having seniority.
Here's a shot of the entire pack. Instead of just having them standing around, I decided to arrange them in a fighting formation. I think they may come in handy with the new Kill Team rules now out.

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