11 September 2016

Terrain pieces

While the actual models take the priority for me as well as most people, I sometimes like to take the time to make some new terrain pieces, too. After all, they do have a huge effect on the visual appeal of a game, possibly even more so than the models.
This time around, I decided to make a couple of new trees, one of them by itself, the other connected to a barb wire barrier.
GW's resin skull sprue comes with a few ready-made piles of skulls, for which I have some trouble finding a use in basing. For this one, I decided to have a small tree growing over and around them. Maybe the tree was planted over a shallow mass grave, or maybe the scene speaks of a less than wholesome ritual. I'm not making a declaration one way or another.
With my previous tree, I found the branches didn't exactly look like coniferous trees, as they were a little too thin and regular shaped. I decided to glue some sand to the branches on this one.
The extra bulk brought by the sand made the brances look a lot better and more coniferous.
I used Doombull Brown to drybrush the bark, which, through the red tint, gave the tree a lot more pine-like appearance.

I plan to append this post a few times. The other terrain piece is still unpainted and will remain a lower priority for the time being, but I do intend to finish it.

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