25 September 2016

Three Eldar Harlequins, painted

The first models of any new army are always the most challenging ones to paint. They establish the way you're going to paint the other ones. Sure, you can and will always improve your techniques, but you will have to do it subtly enough that the older models still share a consistent look with the newer ones.
As I guessed last week, I ended up painting my Harlequins as members of the Masque of the Twisted Path. Being known for allying with non-Eldar and for fighting against the Thousand Sons, they are about as natural an ally for my Space Wolves as Harlequins are ever going to be, which is still not very. Besides the frosty bases, I don't really expect to tie the two armies together too much.

 The combination of motley and gradient is not a simple one to pull off. I eventually ended up painting the diamonds first, as described in GW's YouTube tutorial here, then drybrushing the area with thinned down White Scar and finally carefully repainting the black diamonds.
 I decided that my first troupe would be the Twilight Troupe, as evidenced by the rune on the Troupe Master's knee. Admittedly, it was a little strange that he has a shuriken pistol magazine on his belt, but isn't wielding a shuriken pistol. I imagine him throwing the magazine to one of the other players gracefully during a firefight.
The Harley Quinn harlequin ended up looking pretty good, even though purple isn't in the DC Comics character's colour scheme, and honestly, she should have a laughing mask. For now, however, this will do, at least until I custom sculpt a laughing mask with more feminine features and make another go at the character.

I already am working on a Starweaver for a transport for these guys, and the kit still makes another three Harlequins, so there will definitely be more in the future.

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