18 September 2016

Two Eldar Harlequins and a Troupe Master

So I decided to take a little break from the armies of the Imperium, and the one army that interested me the most was the Eldar Harlequins. They balance out my Space Wolves well with their trickery and androgynous look. I haven't quite decided on the masque yet, though the Twisted Path seems a likely candidate at the moment, as the common enemy in the Thousand Sons would make it somewhat plausible to ally them with my Space Wolves.

 First, the Troupe Master. I was a little disappointed by the fact that there was only one troupe master torso, and it was a male (well, boobless) torso. I chose to arm the model with a Harlequin's Caress, since the he has more attacks than other members of the troupe, and a Neuro Disruptor due to his higher ballistic skill.
 Harlequins, at T3 and with just a 5++ save, are quickly killed by shooting, so I decided to have at least a couple of models with no upgrades in the troupe. This was the first one. Incidentally, I didn't notice that there was a nearly identical model in the assembly instruction until after I had made this one. I probably would have made it differently if I had noticed it, but didn't want to bother to go back.
I'm pretty sure most Harlequin players have had the same idea, but I wanted to have a Harley Quinn model in the troupe. I originally wanted her to be the Troupe Master, but the master's chestpiece and Harley's established DC Comics female character physique meant that wasn't to be.
I gave the model a Harlequin's Embrace, but left the shuriken pistol, as I don't want to put too many eggs in one basket.

I hope to paint these by the end of the week, depending on how tough the diamond pattern turns out to be. We'll know more next Sunday.

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