29 January 2017

Eversor Assassin, painted

I wasn't going to make another Officio Assassinorum post so soon, but I have to get up ridiculously early in the morning, and I had the miniature basically painted already, so what the hay.
 The pose of GW's official Eversor Assassin is certainly dynamic. In a way, wallrun is an obvious answer for the dilemma of having a dynamic position while still maintaining a solid connection to the base, without the need to attach extra-powerful magnets or other methods of levitating the miniature. Of course, the pose would certainly get old if used too often, but it works for the crazed, drug-fuelled killing machine that is Eversor Assassin.
Generally speaking, I followed the same colour scheme as GW's 'Eavy Metal team, with the main exception being the metallic red of the armour plates and gun casing. I just painted thinned Khorne Red over Leadbelcher base and highlighted with Ironbreaker. I didn't want the miniature to look too clean and toy-like, as easily happens without any weathering effects. Speaking of...
I wanted the piece of terrain on the base to look appropriately aged, so I used tome Nihilakh Oxide for the copper-y parts and some Forgeworld's Orange Rust powder over Typhus Corruption for the iron/steel parts. I then drybrushed it all with Ironbreaker.
I'm reasonably happy with the end result. The final miniature doesn't look too clean to be credible.

We'll see if I'll continue to blow through the Officio Assassinorum next week, or if we'll get back to the Astartes, for example. No-one, including me, knows yet.

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