1 January 2017

Two Deathwatch Battle Brothers, painted

One of the nice things about Deathwatch as an army is that it's a fairly elite force, keeping the model count low. Also, I never really intended my Deathwatch troops to be a stand-alone force, except perhaps for the purposes of a Kill Team game, so there's no pressure to build a large army.

From the painting and modelling perspective, the Deathwatch are a great complimentary force for Space Wolves, as I can use the more vanilla Space Marine bits on them, and the black armour is quick and easy to paint.

 The Iron Hands brother with the frag cannon was fairly simple to paint in the end. I used thinned down Khorne Red over Leadbelcher for the frag cannon's casing, highlighting it with Ironbreaker. I also added some simple green stuff patterns over the model's right hand, to suggest a bionic replacement as fits the Chapter.
In the build stage, I glued a backpack from an Electro-Priest on top of a Space Marine backpack to suggest the Chapter's close ties with the Mechanicus. Together with the Devastator legs, I think the model's background comes across clearly enough.

The Crimson Fist's shotgun was painted in a similar fashion to the frag cannon.
I decided to use the same Watch Company as for the two other squads I have started so far. I already had started on squads 2 and 3, so I decided I might as well start on number one.
I didn't want to use all gold for the accents, so I painted the skull on the backpack with Khorne Red highlighted with Mephiston Red and finally Evil Sunz Scarlet.

Despite the Kill Team kit having only two shotguns, I have some extras that came with the Mk.IV Legion Recon team.
I hope Forgeworld or the main company produce some more Deathwatch weapons in the future, as the plastic kit was seriously limited. Especially the Stalker pattern boltguns were limited to one currently being reloaded in the default configuration, which is way too specific for my liking.

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