22 January 2017

Vindicare Assassin, painted

I managed to buy an Execution Force box before they ran out (well before, I'm not sure if they're still making it), and got it at half price from my retailer when they had a sale. I wasn't sure if I was interested in it originally, but the cooperative game mechanic and some nice models made the decision for me. Besides, I have liked the Officio Assassinorum since reading about if in one of the second edition 40k books, and the box set included all four of the battlefield models (though I would sort of like to see at least a Venenum model at some point).

 I decided to start with the Vindicare, the most classic type of an Assassin: just a guy with a powerful rifle laying in wait. I would have started with the Eversor, but I have already made a post of my scratch-built Eversor Assassin previously, and didn't want to be too redundant.
I painted the model in a fairly unimaginative, canonical scheme of bone colour mask and black bodysuit and rifle. I painted all the straps on the model brown, as well as his gloves and pistol holster.
I do like the base that came with the model. Taking cover behind some ruins is very much in character for a Vindicare, and it makes for an impressive base. I decided to paint the relief in a lighter colour, to represent white marble.

I may post about another assassin next week, or possibly something else entirely. We'll know in a week.

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