5 February 2017

Two Grey Hunters

Apparently, I have lost the right arm of one of the previous Grey Hunters of this pack. Though nothing like a disaster, this is nevertheless annoying, and I'm not sure yet if I'll end up finding it or replacing it with another one.
In either case, time to go on with the show.
 Time is a factor these days, so I decided to have both of these Grey Hunters wear their helmets. In a happy coincidence, this one ended up having mostly Mk.VI armour parts, including the left pauldron (invisible in the picture). I tend to forget to add the bolt pistol, so I had him aiming it, with the bolter mag-locked to his backpack.
I wasn't initially going to make another Deathwatch Veteran, but after I decided to give the model a Deathwatch bolter arm, I just went with it and also gave him the appropriate left pauldron. To set the model apart, I gave him an extra helping of grenades, too, with one attached to the torso, two glued to his left thigh and one attached to the bolt pistol holster.

I plan to paint the models by next week, as usual.

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