14 February 2017

Valentine's Day Special: Orc Thrower, Blitzer and Black Orc Blocker

I haven't done any holiday specials lately, so I decided I would do something for this Valentine's day, for a change. I originally planned to just paint the Orc team in the standard Gouged Eye scheme, but I couldn't find any way to get excited about the idea in the slightest. Instead, I decided to do something to contrast with the football hooligan image of the Orcs. I would paint their armour in pink.

 The Black Orc Blocker was the first of the models I (mostly) finished painting, and the one that would have the greatest contrast between the colour scheme and the appearance.
I originally considered painting little hearts on their chest pieces, but decided it would be a little too on the nose, and went for a nice flower design instead.
 The thrower is the figure most differing from the Blocker in the whole team, with only a minimum of armour and almost delicate lines. I considered painting the flowing sash in another colour, and may end up doing that with the other thrower.
 The Blitzer is the team's figurehead. I decded to paint the flowing crest in a sort of light purple colour. After the Blockers, the Blitzers are the second-heaviest armoured models on the field, giving plenty of surface to paint pink. In the picture, the armour does look darker than it is, but trust me, it's pink.
A portrait of all the three finished members of the team together.

Will return with a normally scheduled update on Sunday.

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