23 October 2016

Three Deathwatch Vanguard Veterans

While shooting is nice, and often the most effective strategy, much of the appeal in Warhammer 40,000 is in melee. Another important aspect are the Space Marines. When you combine the Space Marines all-star force, Deathwatch, and melee specialisation, you may have gone overboard, but I'm going to risk it.

 Black Templar is one of the Chapters I wanted to have represented in my Vanguard Veterans. I made the model to be prepared for a variety of different situations, so I gave him two power weapons, one being an axe, to tackle any 2+ armoured opponents, and one a sword, to strike at I4. In the lore, Black Templars commonly chain their weapons to their vambraces. I decided the model wouldn't really look like a member of the Chapter if I didn't reflect that.
 The Heavy Thunder Hammer is a very aggressive weapon, and I chose the Flesh Tearer to bear it. I gave the model one of the metal Deathwatch heads from the older upgrade kit. I also wanted to have at least one descendant chapter of the Blood Angels represented in the first batch of my Vanguard Veterans, even though I fully intend to have an actual Blood Angel there as well.
One of the chapters not represented in the Deathwatch Veteran kit is the Carcharodons Astra. I like them, though, and the chapter's preference for close assault makes them a natural choice for the Vanguard Veterans. They are often portrayed wearing the Mk.V armour, and I had some extra pieces left over from my previous Skyclaw project.
Lightning claws felt like a natural choice, considering the chapter's brutal style of combat.

I expect the models will be painted for next week's update.

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