16 October 2016

Eldar Harlquin Shadowseer

The Harlequins embody the main problem I have with some of the later Games Workshop models, in that while the models themselves look great, there often really is only one pose they're meant to be assembled in, so if you have anything other than the one kit, you're going to be repeating poses very soon. This becomes a problem especially with the Harlequins that tend to have rather recognisable poses, as they should, considering their lore.
Fortunately, the Harlequins don't have many armour plates with straight, mechanical lines on them, so remaking parts of their limbs with green stuff isn't that difficult.

 Having recently read Andy Chambers' Masque of the Vyle, I decided I wanted my Shadowseer to be female. Since 40k miniatures aren't known for being terribly subtle, that pretty much meant just sculpting breasts on the miniature's torso. Considering how much the model is pushing its chest out, it's fortunate the model's hat somewhat covers the chest area, otherwise the end result could have looked crass.
 I also reposed the model's feet so that it's no longer leaping off a stone to the unknown, but balancing on the arch rubble. I also glued a couple of resin skulls to the base to give it some flavour.
The model's right arm was also reposed, mainly because I don't care that much for the original bent arm pose, made up for movie posters to fit the actor's face and the gun in the same picture. The straight arm looks more relaxed in my opinion.
The model will be painted in the following week and I'll append this post once it's finished.

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