24 September 2017

Changing update schedule

First of all, I will not be posting an update tonight. Second, in the future, I will not be following a weekly schedule, but rather, intend to make posts when I can find the time and the subject matter for them. While they may still be approximately weekly, I suspect they will not, and I don't intend to aim for that.
The reason for this is simply my job. I work a lot of evenings, and will have more hours in the future (which means more money in my pocket, but less time to spend it), and keeping a regular update schedule with irregular working hours doesn't really work.

17 September 2017

No update today

As the title says, I'm skipping this week's update. I'm still working on the two previous one. Having a job with irregular hours makes running this blog somewhat tricky, and I may have to further cut my update schedule down to every two weeks, or possibly just make it monthly, and try to make those updates count.

10 September 2017

Space Wolves Heavy Support Legionnaire

Although they may not be all that great in terms of rules, I like the style and idea behind large-bore full automatic weapons of 40k, such as autocannons in this case. Same goes for assault cannons and, to some degree, heavy bolters.

Pictures up tomorrow.