30 July 2017

Space Wolves Legion Destroyer with a Missile Launcher, painted

Destroyers were the first Horus Heresy unit type that really caught my interest, so it makes sense I would try to finish my Destroyer squad first. No model in the unit is as iconic as the one carrying the rad missiles, so this guy is a fairly high priority.

I prefer to use a fairly limited palette with my Space Wolves, with Mechanicus Standard Grey -> Dawnstone -> Administratum Grey for the armour, Leadbelcher and Runefang Steel for grey metals and Warplock Bronze -> Hashut Copper -> Sycorax Bronze for yellow metals. That way, when I venture outside these colours, it will pop out better, and the army will look more consistent.
With this model, the only dabs of colour were the red eye lenses and the dark red markings on the shoulder pads.

I realize I'm still a few posts behind my schedule, and I hope to catch up in the upcoming couple of weeks. Helmeted Space Wolves are fairly quick and easy to paint, especially the non-Destroyer ones that don't need all that much weathering.

23 July 2017

Space Wolves Legion Destroyer, painted

The description of the Destroyers makes it clear that weathering would be more important to these models than to most. I didn't want to make the armours look neglected, especially since 30k-era Space Wolves wouldn't really consider Destroyers outsiders like some other legions would, but they would be constantly taking a lot of damage.
I wanted to make the model look like it had lost large parts of its upper body to friendly fire from a Phosphex grenade, to complement the bionic left arm. I considered using some soot to blacken parts of the armour as well, but decided against it, as it wouldn't really be visible against the already dark armour of the Space Wolves. I may revisit this with the Sergeant, since he's the one actually carrying the Phosphex grenades.

16 July 2017

VI Legion Huscarl

I decided to keep building my 30k Space Wolves again. I had built a couple of troopers previously, and thought the squad could use a leader.

The model started out with just the Mk.IV torso with the cingulum militare. I was planning to just add Mk IV limbs to it, but ultimately found that the Mk III just worked better.
I have always liked the look of the older lightning claws (or frost claws, as is the case here), and with the pointing finger, it seemed like a natural choice for a squad leader. I finished the model with a banner pole from a 40k Space Wolves kit, as well as a piece of fur on the right shoulder pad and a crest on the model's helmet.

9 July 2017

VI Legion Trooper

I know I still haven't uploaded photos of my last week's model, but the problem is that the model's chainfist fell off and got lost. I plan to keep looking, but if I can't find it, I'll just take a photo of an incomplete model and add another if I ever do find the missing weapon.

This time, I wanted to go back to the rank and file troops of the Vlka Fenryka. I had previously made one Grey Slayer model, and that one was wearing Mk.III armour. This time, I wanted the model to have mostly Mk.IV Maximus armour, partially because I really like its sleek look.

Most of the model's armour came from the Betrayal at Calth set. I exchanged the arms for Mk.III models from the Burning of Prospero set, because I didn't have Mk.IV arms posed the way I wanted. Having more protected arms does make martial sense, because in a swordfight, the fighters hands are the most extended and therefore the most vulnerable target much of the time.
I used one of Forgeworld's Space Wolves torsos, mostly because I could, and covered the right shoulder pad largely with fur, because I don't have as clear an idea how 30k Space Wolves Legion shoulder pad heraldry goes as I do with 40k Space Wolves Chapter.

I may decide to paint this model for next week's update, just to get back to the swing of things.

2 July 2017

VI Legion Centurion in Cataphract Armour, painted

Considering Leman Russ' points value is just under 500 points, IIRC, I need to have at least two HQ units to ever field him. Also, 30k Space Wolves need an HQ unit for every 1000 points, so having a wide variety to choose from is always a plus. Of course, having one HQ unit is the first step of having several, so here is the first one.

Pictures up tomorrow.