28 May 2017

Update postponed

Again, I had a late shift at work today and will have an early one tomorrow, so I'll have to get some sleep. I may have to rethink the whole regular update schedule thing at some point, since my job is anything but regular.

21 May 2017

VI Legion Centurion in Cataphracti Armour

So I entirely forgot to post the picture for last week's model (will be corrected shortly). Apparently, my Horus Heresy army isn't off to a great start. Onwards and upwards, however. The Betrayal at Calth set comes with two character models, which at first don't really seem very space wolf-y, but I decided to go for it and make them into VI Legion models. I started with the Terminator Captain.

 One of the simplest and possibly most effective things I could think of to make the model look more like a part of the Rout, was adding a wolf skull to the model. I also glued one of the rondels from the Wulfen set to the gorget and added some green stuff to make it an amulet.
Having just plain capes doesn't really fit the Space Wolves style, but I decided to add a pelt to the mix. Originally, I was thinking of just adding some fur lining, but decided ultimately to add a head and paws to the mix.

The model may go through some more minor modifications before painting, but I mostly, I think it's ready. It remains to be seen if this will be painted by next Sunday.

14 May 2017

Space Wolves Legionary, painted

Because 8th edition of 40k will be released soon, I'm probably not going to do any major additions to my 40k armies in the near future, but will focus on 30k instead, as ForgeWorld has stated that Horus Heresy will continue to use 7th edition rules. I alreeady have the Primarch, and the Fenrisian Wolves can be used for either time period. That just leaves everything else, ie. almost the entirety of VI Legion, a much larger fighting force than Space Wolves the chapter.

I wanted to link my 30k and 40k Space Wolves, and the way to do this were the Wulfen. I had previously painted the 13th Great Company badge on my Wulfen shoulder pads, so to tie them in with the 30k army, all I had to do was to have at least some of my models carry the same emblem.

The part I most like about 30k Space Wolves is their dark colour scheme. To that end, I painted the model's armour in Mechanicus Standard Grey, washed it with Nuln Oil and lightly drybrushed with Dawnstone, finally adding a few highlights in Administratum Grey. I also kept the bronze parts of the armour relatively dark.

9 May 2017

Adeptus Custodes Custodian, painted

Painting mostly metallic armour is something I have been wanting to do for a while now. I'm not really interested in Age of Sigmar, partially because I hadn't gotten into Fantasy Battle's lore that much before they blew it all up, and am not really into getting into it now. Point is, I don't really have a reason to paint Sigmarines, so this Custodian is the first miniature in golden armour that I'm painting.

I used Retributor Armour for the base colour of the armour, then washed it with Reikland Fleshshade (interesting that I seem to use that for a lot of things, but shading flesh is barely among them) and then highlighted it with Liberator Gold. I could have gone brighter with highlights, but they seemed clear enough already to me, so I decided that was enough.
I painted the severed head on the ground in the Thousand Sons metallic red colour scheme (though my paint mixture could use some brighter red) and added some Blood For the Blood God to the ground around it. While this places the model fairly clearly at the Burning of Prospero (or possibly Terra later on, when the Thousand Sons joined the siege), I don't really mind that. I like to keep my 40k models' bases somewhat ambiguous, but 30k could be considered re-enactment, to a point.

7 May 2017

Update postponed until tomorrow

Again, my work shifts leave me little time to finish a post tonight. I have something in the works for tomorrow, though.

EDIT: Postponed until Tuesday, for similar reasons, plus I forgot to reload my camera's batteries.

1 May 2017

Adeptus Custodes Custodian

While Space Wolves and Thousand Sons in 30k were certainly anticipated, the probably biggest thing about the Burning of Prospero was the publishing of new Adeptus Custodes and Sisters of Silence models. While I'm not planning on building that many 30k armies, I think I will have to at least make the models in the box, and I wouldn't be too surprised if I ended up supplementing them with the army's Contemptor Dreadnought.

While the model's legs weren't positioned in a too unnatural a pose, I still felt like it looked better with the rear foot raised. I also glued a Mk.II helmet on the base, to be painted in Thousand Sons' colours.
I may add some tiling and/or rubble to the base, to represent the ruined city of Tizca, even though I plan to mostly keep my Space Wolves' bases similar in 30k and 40k, even if only to allow the Fenrisian Wolves to cross over.